- post 1770, Wilts.
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Find the relationship of a person to
a common ancestor along the top row and another persons relationship to the
same common ancestor down the left hand column. The relationship between these
two people is where the row and column meet in the highlighted diagonal. CA = common ancestor C
= child G = grand, e.g. GC = grand-child.
S = sibling (brother or sister) N = niece or nephew #C =cousin, e.g. 1C = 1st cousin. #R = number of times removed, e.g. 1R = once removed. CA C GC GGC 2 GGC 3 GGC 4 GGC 5 GGC 6 GGC C S N GN GGN 2 GGN 3 GGN 4 GGN 5 GGN GC N 1 C 1C-1R 1C-2R 1C-3R 1C-4R 1C-5R 1C-6R GGC GN 1C-1R 2C 2C-1R 2C-2R 2C-3R 2C-4R 2C-5R 2 GGC GGN 1C-2R 2C-1R 3C 3C-1R 3C-2R 3C-3R 3C-4R 3 GGC 2 GGN 1C-3R 2C-2R 3C-1R 4C 4C-1R 4C-2R 4C-3R 4 GGC 3 GGN 1C-4R 2C-3R 3C-2R 4C-1R 5C 5C-1R 5C-2R 5 GGC 4 GGC 1C-5R 2C-4R 3C-3R 4C-2R 5C-1R 6C 6C-1R 6 GGC 5 GGC 1C-6R 2C-5R 3C-4R 4C-3R 5C-2R 6C-1R 7C
Birth, marriage & death registration certificates:
The National Archives references for census returns currently available are:
1841 taken on June 6: HO107
Note: An individual internet site may not have the full range of census returns or BMDs.
Birth, marriage & death records.(free):
Census returns.(free but not complete):
Birth, marriage, death & census records, (chargeable):
Family history detail is available to those with genuine family connections. Contact me at and when doing so please include GEN in the subject space.
The National Archives, (certificate ordering site)
1851 taken on March 30: HO107
1861 taken on April 7: RG9
1871 taken on April 2: RG10
1881 taken on April 3: RG11
1891 taken on April 5: RG12
1901 taken on March 31: RG13
1911 taken on April 2: RG14
Free BMD
Free CEN
Find My Past
Commonwealth military war casualties:
War Graves Commission
LDS family database plus the UK 1881 census:
Family Search
Indexes for family research in Wiltshire & Durham:
Nimrod Indexes (Wiltshire)
Wiltshire Family History Society - Unit 3,bath Rd. Business Centre, Devizes, SN10 1HJ.
Wiltshire & Swindon Records Office - Cocklebury Rd. Chippenham, SN15 3QN.- Tel: (+44)(0)1249705500
Durham County Records (chargeable) - County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL - Tel: (+44)(0)1913833253
Northumberland & Durham Family History Society,
- Percy Hs., Percy St., Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PW. - Tel: (+44)(0)1912612159.
The following web sites provided information of a more general nature:
Genealogy for the UK and Ireland: GENUKI
Of an international nature: Cyndi's list of links